Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Day After the Verdict Ferguson Mike Brown Solidarity March

  Mike Brown and the town of Ferguson awakened millions around the world to the reality of police abuse . Abuse by law enforcement became clearly obvious when no indictment was given to officer wilson . Some say it was the fact that a white cop got away with murdering a black man at the hands of a grand jury made up mostly of white people in a town that's 87% black . I personally think it was shown that abuse is allowed and condoned all the way to the Governors office in states all over this country . Even with exposed connections to the kkk by those not only in public offices but patrolling the streets all over the state of Missouri . Protests in Ferguson and other cities all over our nation have taken place for months . Deliberate delays only added to the tension all over the country . Its well known that if an officers actions catches the public eye everyone from the department said officer works in to the F.O.P.  scramble to release justifiable proof . In this case everything was kept hidden so the story could be changed to fit the verdict that most of us knew was being crafted . As releases of small bits of information came out it became clear the officials were attempting to feel out the best time for an announcement . The Governor called up the national guard knowing that the tactics had failed and the delay all but promised a violent outcome . Protesters got the blame for rioters and looting days before the announcement . The media quickly jumped to action showing the looters as expected . It was said that violence would break out in every town a protest was planned in . They forgot all about social media and live streams allowing the truth to get out . On scale the peaceful protests well out weigh the rioters . Social media exposed CNN for spreading lies before they could wipe the dirt off their web sites . Small business got the most damage from those who were doing harm . Corporate stores has the police for security compliments of their golf buddy and governor J. Nixon  I was even contacted and watched to insure I was not plotting a riot here in good old Cbus .
  This was an awesome protest with a large and vocal crowd . I was asked to host this event as one was not registered with the national organization calling for them from coast to coast . I agreed to and soon received plenty of threats . This shook me for a few hours and at the same time I learned of another event that had been planned here in Columbus . I considered  canceling my event and pushing for the other event . I did not want to be thought of as the guy who divided the city . I thought the safety of both crowds might be in danger if we did not unite both marches .
  A good friend spoke with me and convinced me to press on and be proud for being the one who did step up . So I did and am now after reflecting on what a great night it was . If for no other reason this night was a complete success as the city pulled off two successful and peaceful protests . I am aware of only one issue from ether event . I was struck in the leg with a pop bottle from a passing car as we started our march . My pants are in the dryer as I type this so no harm .
  The city of Columbus Ohio is becoming known for diverse protests filled with great people . The diversity of the city is well represented in the crowds that show up at events . It is not uncommon for example and I personally have witnessed anti-gun and pro-gun armed and open carrying  at the same protest . This is typical on the surface . The part that makes our town great is seeing these two individuals not just talking but going to lunch together . With that kind of understanding and common ground understanding the diversity in my pictures is easy  .
  I asked the crowd before we stepped off for the march to be an example for the world . I had asked our contact in the Columbus police department for help with traffic control . It was as poetic as can be imagined to see the the police preform this task . I thought to my self that we the people of Ohio had no need to "SHUT IT DOWN" because the police did it for us . This first march took place at the peak of rush hour . The honks and cheers from those in cars as we passed suggested that we had the support of most of the population in our town . We had elderly people in cars who could not march who pulled over on marked no parking streets to listen to some of our speakers . After the police asked them why they had stopped no tickets or orders to leave were given .  I received a text from our contact after the march as I scrambled to get our group in cars and headed to the second march thanking us for one of the best marches ever pulled off in our city. I just wish that I could have stayed longer for the second march .
  Sick kids and my own disability had me headed home after a brief stop to show my support of our second group. Texts and phone calls for hours after my departure clued me in to what I missed . The weeks leading up to this event took a tole on me mentally and physically . I fell to sleep in my chair earlier then I have in years . I have a new found respect for people that organize on this level . I now know for the next time the amount of time it takes .
  A few people from the Ohio State University Students Association showed up and truly lean't  a hand .  These young people host great events all the time and I am truly thankful for the support and help freely given . I am proud to call some of these folks friends and look forward to returning the aid in the future . We had young people from all over the state come to our event . Even with other events in towns closer to the communities they live in . Thank you all for showing up and being vocal . I am both humbled and feel honored by the response to this event .

 A candle was left at the peace statue that commemorates our nations first step in equal Civil Rights

My sign for the event front and back we passed it around lol

contact card posted by Ferguson Response

Link to National Event page Now organizing BOYCOTT BLACK FRIDAY events

Known links to the news of Both events

Photos from others
Hazel Nikii Loomis

Aimee Elizabeth

Deb Loy

Full video from my cam. uncut for truth !!!!!!!!

Contact me via social media to have your photos added thanks for looking .

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